National Geographic Top Destination
For many a visit to choquequirao will be a spiritual one

National Geographic Top Destination | Choquequirao Those of us who live and work in Peru know that this spectacular and massively biodiverse country should always feature on the National Geographic top destination list. What is very pleasing is that the ancient site of Choquequirao is highlighted on the 2023 list, rather than all the talk […]

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Nazca Lines and Water Holes!
A flight over the Nazca Lines is one of the most spectacular things you can do in Peru

Nazca Lines and Water Holes! These days less people make it as far as the actual town of Nazca on their Peru tours because you can now fly over the Nazca Lines from Ica, which is two and a half hours (each way) closer to Lima. Yet, for those who can make the extra effort and have […]

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Peruvian Amazon Comfort
You can easily visit the Amazon Jungle from Cusco

Hardcore adventure seekers would say that if you are not suffering and enduring uncomfortable sleeping arrangements then you are not having an adventure, we disagree. There may be locations where such a sacrifice is necessary for a proper adventure – but there are many places where it is not! Take the Amazon jungle for example. […]

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